Splash Kids’ Commercial Contest Rules

Contest submissions will run from March 25 – April 8, 2020. All entries are to be submitted on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag “SplashKids2020” and tagging Splash Car Wash. Videos should be fun, creative and funny. Videos should be 60 seconds or less. Here is an example by one of our employee’s son:

Video will be judged on humor and creativity. Contestants are encouraged to use their imaginations to create a ‘commercial’ about any and all of Splash’s services. Have fun and use this time to enjoy your family. Splash will choose it’s top 3 favorite videos on April 9, 2020. Getting ‘Likes’ and ‘Shares’ are not required to win – but encouraged! So get your friends and family involved 😉 The prizes are as follows:

1st prize – $1,000

2nd prize – Car Washes for a Year

3rd prize – Car Washes for a Month

All videos become the property of Splash Car wash, Inc. and the submitters grant permission for Splash to use the video on its website, Facebook page, Instagram page and other social media pages.

This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook or Instagram.

For your reference, here is a link to our services page for video material: http://splashcarwashes-new.approvalserver.com/services/