Splash Car Wash Blog
Grace For Veterans – Over 2.6 Million Free Car Washes
February 7, 2020Grace for Vets (GFV) is an organization that Splash is very proud to be a part of that gives back to our Veterans.
GFV is a non profit made up of thousands of car washes that give a free car …
Splash Gives $6,000 In Bears To Homeless Kids
January 22, 2020During the 2019 holiday season, all Splash Car Wash locations raised money for local charities. With the help of our gracious customers, friends and family, we were able help make the holidays a little happier for those in need.
One …
Splash Car Wash Donates to the Alzheimer's Association
February 26, 2019Pictured from left to right: Justin Pittman, Jamelle Byrd, Pillar Bowman, Andre Miller, Gina Colley, Denise Loeb (Alzheimer’s Association, CT Chapter), David White, Christian Thomas and Gerry Cervantes[/caption] Splash was thrilled to make donations to 14 local charities during the …